[健康生活] 快餐会影响人体内微生物群 进而引发自身免疫性疾病
"Numbers of autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the west," Lee told the Observer. "However, we are now seeing some emerge in countries that never had such diseases ...2022-03-16 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 想睡个好觉?你可以这样训练自己的大脑!
Train your brain for better sleep with 3 expert tips2022-03-16 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 为什么你总在吃,还一直饿?这些原因导致无穷尽的饥饿感
Common reasons why you can't stop eating2022-03-14 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 睡前玩手机8分钟兴奋1小时!网友:因为手机砸脸吗?
Screen-Time Before Bed Can Disrupt Sleep2022-03-07 编辑:sophie 标签:
[双语达人] Quora精选:你觉得什么样的人值得尊重?
They’re in Good Shape ...2022-03-07 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 一年四季抗炎食物有哪些?春天适合多吃这些果蔬
Anti-inflammatory food superstars for every season2022-03-01 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] “烘焙使人快乐”,原来是有科学依据的
The Reason Why Baking Makes You Feel Good, According to Psychologists2022-02-28 编辑:sophie 标签:
[双语达人] Quora精选:貌美如花的人变老是什么感觉?
How does it feel to once be extremely gorgeous and pretty, grow old, and now no one pays attention to you?2022-02-18 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] Quora精选:发明冰箱以前 人类如何保存食物
Before Refrigerators Were Invented, How Did People Preserve Their Food (Particularly Meat) So That It Didn't Spoil?2022-02-11 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 穿哪种颜色的衣服最招蚊子?研究找到了答案!
New research says mosquitoes are most attracted to a specific color2022-02-11 编辑:sophie 标签:
[双语达人] 为什么我们会制定新年计划?
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[健康生活] 吃香蕉助眠,吃奶酪做怪梦……睡前饮食红黑榜
What to eat before bed if you want a good night’s sleep2022-01-26 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 新的一年要更阳光:6个好习惯让你保持好心情
6 habits that are guaranteed to put you in a good mood2022-01-25 编辑:sophie 标签:
[健康生活] 接种新冠疫苗会影响男性生育能力吗?科学研究给出答案了
Covid-19 vaccines don’t affect male fertility, but catching the virus might: study2022-01-24 编辑:sophie 标签:
“公筷”的英文不是“public chops
For use in distributing food or drin -
From a world champion skater to a fu - 3
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