[突破英汉翻译] 12天突破英汉翻译(笔译篇) 第1期 翻译概论及本书的使用
所谓翻译,就是翻译“意思”,美国著名翻译家奈达说得好,"Translation means translating meaning",前苏联著名翻译家巴尔胡达罗夫曾经说过:“翻译的实质就是把一种语言的话语转化成为另一种语言的话语。” -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第49课:我们应该为了减肥而节食吗?
Jean Nidetch was a professional dieter, a housewife who tried every conceivable .slimming fad, lost weight with each one, then regained it thanks to her habitually "promiscuous?eating habits. -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第48课:减肥中心
Jean Nidetch was a professional dieter, a housewife who tried every conceivable .slimming fad, lost weight with each one, then regained it thanks to her habitually "promiscuous?eating habits. -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第47课:减肥后我感觉很棒
During my first year of college, I gained forty pounds when I began throwing the javelin. For the next twenty years, I carried all of this extra weight and kidded myself that -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第46课:高脂肪饮食含能量少
You bring one of our football players in and put them on a stationary exercise bicycle and tell them to work as hard as they can for as long as they can, -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第45课:吃素食感觉更好
I grew up in Texas on double cheeseburgers with hickory sauce, chili, fried. chicken, T-bone steaks, and eggs. Many people report that they lose the taste for animal foods after eating a vegetarian... -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第44课:我们虽胖但很快乐
Here's a familiar version of the boy-meets-girl situation. A young man has at last plucked up courage to invite a dazzling young lady out to dinner. -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第43课:考试利大于弊吗?
I've been acting like an egg striking a rock. What is this egg? It's the campaign against the old-fashioned way of teaching Intensive Reading . And what' s the rock?. It' s the old- -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第42课:考试是匿名考官的主观评价
The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner. Examiners are only human. They get tired and hungry: they make mistakes. -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第41课:考试不能锻炼学生自我思考的能力
A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself. The examination system does anything but that. What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第40课:考试是焦虑的制造者
As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none. That is because so much depends on them. They are the mark of success or failure in our society. Your whole future may be decided in one fateful ... -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第39课:考试是检测知识和能力的最基本的方
We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a Person's knowledge and ability remain as primitive as they ever were. It really is -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第38课:家庭作业引发的悲剧
When people discuss education they insist that preparation for examiriations is not the main purpose. They are right in theory, but in practice, we all realize how importarit examinations are. -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第37课:通过普通级考试获取普通教育证书
When people discuss education they insist that preparation for examiriations is not the main purpose. They are right in theory, but in practice, we all realize how importarit examinations are. -
[北外高级口译模拟] 北外高级口译高级口语 第36课:对考试的观点各异
John: Examinations do more harm than good! Michae: I agree. We spend so much time revising for examinations that we haven't enough time for new work!
课程名称 | 课时 | 价格 | 试听 |
【协议】上海口译2014秋季考协议班(中级口译) | 66 | 880 | ![]() |
【协议】上海口译2015春季考低起点协议班(中级口译) | 104 | 1080 | ![]() |
上海中级口译全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 109 | 400 | ![]() |
上海中级口译低起点全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 104 | 980 | ![]() |
【协议】上海口译2014秋季考协议班(高级口译) | 72 | 880 | ![]() |
【协议】上海口译2015春季考低起点协议班(高级口译) | 134 | 1280 | ![]() |
上海高级口译全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 72 | 680 | ![]() |
上海高级口译低起点全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 134 | 1080 | ![]() |
CATTI 前辈经验助攻(高能经验帖)
翻译,不管是口译还是笔译,如果不练习,肯定是不能进步的。备考CATTI也 -
2015年,我们庆祝国际和平日和教科文组织成立七十周年 - 3
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