[体育新闻] 看懂冬奥:冰壶上为什么会亮红灯和绿灯?
What are those red and green lights on curling stones?2022-02-16 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] “一墩难求”折射出中国知识产权保护的大进步
Difficulty in finding official merchandise reflects commitment to stop counterfeits2022-02-16 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 冬奥小百科:为什么速滑运动员要佩戴眼镜?
Why do speed skaters wear glasses?2022-02-15 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 国际奥委会官员盛赞北京冬奥:筹办超出预期,运动员纷纷点赞
Athletes are all smiling and praising quality of Beijing 2022, says IOC official2022-02-15 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 王濛解说哪句最好笑?三个字:每句话!
From a world champion skater to a fun winter sports commentator2022-02-14 编辑:sophie 标签:
[新闻热词] “公筷”的英文不是“public chopsticks”!正确说
For use in distributing food or drink2022-02-14 编辑:sophie 标签:
[时事新闻] 创新高:超七成纽约选民认为,该市犯罪问题非常严重
74 pct of New York City voters say crime very serious problem: survey2022-02-14 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 看懂冬奥:观众为何向花样滑冰运动员扔毛绒玩具?
Why do people throw stuffed animals at figure skaters?2022-02-10 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] “睡眠休息舱”成冬奥记者打盹儿神器,这个细节太人性化了
Beijing offers high tech power naps to journalists at the Games2022-02-10 编辑:sophie 标签:
[经济新闻] 美国民众应对物价飙升:啥也不买
The people fighting price rises by trying to buy nothing2022-02-09 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 每秒旋转数圈,花滑运动员们为什么转不晕?
Why Don’t Figure Skaters Get Dizzy When They Spin?2022-02-09 编辑:sophie 标签:
[娱乐新闻] 米妮换新颜 红裙变裤装
Minnie Mouse is trading her iconic red dress for a new look2022-02-08 编辑:sophie 标签:
[时事新闻] 英国女王登基70周年 力挺儿媳卡米拉成为王后
Prince Charles pays tribute to ‘darling wife’ and future queen Camilla2022-02-08 编辑:sophie 标签:
[关注社会] 美国中情局再曝侵犯人权丑闻,用数百名儿童做人体实验
Documentarian reveals unethical CIA experiments on children2022-02-08 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 美国运动员对冬奥村“智能床”赞不绝口!睡“纸板床”的同行酸了
Beijing 2022 Olympics to highlight new tech2022-02-07 编辑:sophie 标签:
“公筷”的英文不是“public chops
For use in distributing food or drin -
From a world champion skater to a fu - 3
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