[体育新闻] 北京冬奥会将设三个冬奥村 食堂是亮点
Finishing touches made to 2022 Olympic villages2021-12-20 编辑:sophie 标签:
[科技新闻] 研究:奥密克戎病毒在支气管的繁殖速度比德尔塔快70倍
Omicron found to grow 70 times faster than Delta in bronchial tissue2021-12-17 编辑:sophie 标签:
[体育新闻] 巴黎奥运会开幕式将在塞纳河上举办,预计现场观众60万人
Paris 2024 opening ceremony to be held on River Seine2021-12-17 编辑:sophie 标签:
[时事新闻] 美国新冠死亡人数突破80万 多数死亡“本来可以避免”
'A terrible tragedy’: US passes 800,000 Covid deaths – highest in the world2021-12-16 编辑:sophie 标签:
[时事新闻] 美国这一波龙卷风有多厉害?一张老照片被刮到200公里外
Photo from tornado-damaged home lands almost 130 miles away2021-12-15 编辑:sophie 标签:
[科技新闻] 日本研发出新型口罩 遇新冠病毒能在紫外线下发光
Japanese scientists are developing face masks that glow under UV light if the wearer has COVID-192021-12-14 编辑:sophie 标签:
[关注社会] 研究预测:全球人口将在2064年达到顶峰
World population set to decline for the first time in centuries says study2021-12-13 编辑:sophie 标签:
[时事新闻] 安倍口出涉台狂言,别把日本拖入深渊 | 小象漫评
Shinzo Abe, do not harm your home country any more2021-12-10 编辑:sophie 标签:
[新闻热词] 潘通发布2022年度色彩:仙女紫
Pantone unveils Color of the Year for 20222021-12-10 编辑:sophie 标签:
[关注社会] 新西兰:14岁以下人群未来终身禁烟,2025年成为无烟国家
New Zealand to ban smoking for next generation in bid to outlaw habit by 20252021-12-10 编辑:sophie 标签:
[关注社会] 报告:美国是全球塑料垃圾最大来源国
'Deluge of plastic waste’: US is world’s biggest plastic polluter2021-12-09 编辑:sophie 标签:
[科技新闻] 科学家研发实验性口香糖,或可减少新冠病毒传播
Could a Chewing Gum Reduce COVID-19 Spread? Researchers Believe It Can2021-12-09 编辑:sophie 标签:
[新闻热词] "Allyship"当选词典网站2021年度词汇
This social justice buzzword is Dictionary.com's Word of the Year2021-12-08 编辑:sophie 标签:
[关注社会] 欲骗健康通行证,意大利一牙医戴假肢接种疫苗
Italian dentist presents fake arm for vaccine to get pass2021-12-07 编辑:sophie 标签:
[娱乐新闻] 推特:禁止未经当事人许可分享其图片及视频
Twitter says it will remove images of people posted without consent2021-12-03 编辑:sophie 标签:
They should know better than to bite -
TikTok ousts Google to become favour - 3
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