[轻松快报] 轻松快报:联合国呼吁对斯里兰卡进行战争罪调查
新闻原文【背景】The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is calling for an independent, international investigation of possible war crimes committed during the last few months of the war2009-10-27 编辑:vicki 标签:
[轻松快报] 轻松快报:惩罚和奖励,哪个对行为更有利?
新闻原文【背景】Two recent studies have found that punishment is not the best way to influence behaviour.,One showed that adults are much more cooperative if they work in a system based on rewards. R2009-10-23 编辑:vicki 标签:
[新闻速递] 世界真奇妙:美国大学学费激增
2009-10-22 编辑:jessica 标签:
[新闻速递] 世界真奇妙第1期:男子脑中长蛆...
呃,那个...图片就不放了...太恶心了...It's the stuff nightmares and horror movies are made of.Nightmare:噩梦horror movie:恐怖片A holidaymaker got a nasty shock when he learned that the strange bleedin2009-10-22 编辑:jessica 标签:
[轻松快报] 轻松快报:盖茨将会见日本新领袖
新闻原文【背景】U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates heads to Japan and South Korea this week with North Korea's nuclear and missile programs and the new Japanese government's defense policies high2009-10-20 编辑:vicki 标签:
[轻松快报] 轻松快报:金价影响印度排灯节
新闻原文【背景】Soaring gold prices are having an unexpected impact on a major religious holiday celebrated in South Asia and many other parts of the world starting Saturday. The Festival of Lights,2009-10-19 编辑:vicki 标签:
[新闻速递] 新闻速递 第2期:聪明的动物
A cowboy fell off his horse and broke his leg on the prairie. The steed grabbed his master's belt in his teeth, carried him to shelter and then went to fetch the doctor.Talking it over a few w...2009-09-23 编辑:jessica 标签:
[新闻速递] 新闻速递之轻松系列 第1期:鼠妈妈
文本A mother mouse was out for a stroll with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the babies.Mother mouse barked fiercely, "Woof, wo...2009-09-22 编辑:jessica 标签:
2010年,当美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)在华盛顿 -
音乐产业意外成为塑料供应短缺的受害者。 - 3
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