- 品书轩名著赏析
- 情满人间的温馨故事
- 那些年那些诗
- 英语名篇名段背诵精华
- Faith每日阳光絮语
- 英语沙龙
- 优美短文背诵
- 英语名篇背诵
- 新东方背诵文选
- 精美英文欣赏
- 美丽英文诵读
- 生而为赢
- 跟可可背精美短文
- 励志英语美文精华
- 每日短文背诵
- 那些给我勇气的美文
- 找谁倚靠(常速)
- 那些似水流年
- 经典英语美文背诵100篇
- 抖森诗歌朗读
- 那些美好而忧伤的美文
- 爱驻我心
- 好诗献给你
- 幸福是一种态度
- 智慧人生篇章
- 早读英语
- 常春藤名家散文精选
- 英文格言警句
- 莎士比亚诗朗诵
- 里昂夜读美文
- 美丽英文诗歌鉴赏
- 涤荡心灵英语诗歌
- 桉然入睡美文朗读
- 莎士比亚十四行诗全集
- 天真与经验之歌
- 四个四重奏
- 跟Susan一起读励志美文
- 睡前读首诗
- 跟孟叔一起朗读英语美文
- 美文故事之人生感悟
[新东方背诵文选] 新东方背诵文选 Lesson 7:Andrew Carnegie
Lesson 7:Andrew CarnegieAndrew Carnegie, known as the King of Steel, built the steel industry in the United States, and , in the process, became one of the wealthiest men in America. His success resu2006-05-11 编辑:alex 标签:
[新东方背诵文选] 新东方背诵文选 Lesson 6:Television
Lesson 6:Television Television-----the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth-is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and ver2006-05-11 编辑:alex 标签:
[新东方背诵文选] 新东方背诵文选 Lesson 5:The Beginning o
The Beginning of DramaThere are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The on most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. The argument2006-05-11 编辑:alex 标签:
[新东方背诵文选] 新东方背诵文选 Lesson 4:Electricity
Lesson 4:Electricity The modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them2006-05-11 编辑:alex 标签:
[新东方背诵文选] 新东方背诵文选 Lesson 3:The Definition
■点击查看参考文本■ Lesson 3:The Definition of "Price"Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed2006-05-11 编辑:alex 标签:
[新东方背诵文选] 新东方背诵文选 Lesson 2 Schooling and E
■点击查看参考文本■ Schooling and EducationIt is commonly believed in United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt t2006-05-11 编辑:alex 标签:
[新东方背诵文选] 新东方背诵文选 Lesson 1 The Language of
■点击查看参考文本■ Lesson1 The Language of Music A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is perfo2006-05-11 编辑:alex 标签:
在这一切的背后,隐藏着两个相互矛盾的担忧。其一,俄罗斯军队仍然强大,并将 -
居家摇滚明星有利可图的崛起。 - 3
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