Chapter 7 The Last Letter 7 最后一封信 Six months later, in April 1890, I found him dead inbed. He was on his back in bed, so at first I thought he was asleep. I talked to him, but he did no2012-03-27 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
The visit to the theatre was difficult but a visit to the country was more difficult. But again, one of his new friends helped us. She had a small house in the country, and Merrick could stay in it2012-03-23 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
Chapter 6 Outside the Hospital 6 在医院的外面 Merrick had a lo of friends now, but he was more like a child than a man. He could read about things, and talk to his visitors, but he could not2012-03-22 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
One wonderful day, a very important lady came to the hospital to visit him. I met the lady, and took her to his room. Then I opened the door, and smiled at him.'Good morning, Joseph, 'I said2012-03-21 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
Chapter 5 An Important Visitor 5 一位重要的来访者 I did not want Merrick to live by himself, like a man in a lighthouse. He read his books, and talked to me, but I wanted him to talk to more2012-03-20 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
'Dr Treves, 'he said, slowly. 'You and the nurses arevery kind, and I'm very happy here. Thank you very much. But…I know I can't stay here long, and…I would like to live in a l2012-03-19 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
Chapter 4 Merrick's First Home 4 麦里克的第一个家 We gave Merrick two rooms at the back of the hospital. One room was a bathroom, so he could have a bath every day. Soon his skin was muc2012-03-16 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
Chapter 3 A Letter to 'The Times'3 给《泰晤士报》的一封信 I did not see Merrick again for two years. Then, one day, the police found him. He had my card in his hand, so they brought h2012-03-15 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
'Hello, sir. Can I help you?' 喂,先生,要我帮忙吗? I looked behind me. It was the postman. And behind him, I could see three young boys. One of the boys laughed. 我朝身后一看,2012-03-14 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
Chapter 2 The Card 2 名片 So next day, at seven o'clock, I came to the shop in a cab. There were not very many people in the road, be-cause it was early in the morning. In November it i2012-03-13 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
Chapter 1 The Creature in the Shop 1 店铺里的怪物 My name is Dr Frederick Treves. I am a doctor at the London Hospital. One day in 1884, I saw a picture in the window of a shop near the ho2012-03-12 编辑:Dsiay 标签: 我来听写
如何构建疫情后时代的社会保障系统 -
许多富裕国家的社会保障系统网在新冠病毒袭击之前就已经摇摇欲坠。 - 3
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