《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第85期:You should be honored
You should be honored, Cissy. As should Draco. 你该感到荣耀,德拉克也一样 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第84期:Only a fool would question it
Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it Dumbledore是一个了不起的魔法师,连白痴都会知道2015-03-18 编辑:max 标签:
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第83期:One of the greatest wizards
So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time 天衣无缝,连最好的魔法师都瞒过了 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第82期:Understandable
Understandable. Over the years I've played my part well. 这不难理解,谁叫我这些年装的那么像呢 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第81期:As it so happens
As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa. 说起来,纳西莎,你的事我倒是清楚 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第80期:Put it down
Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours 把东西放下,贝拉,别乱碰别人的东西 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第79期:Forbade me to speak of this
The Dark Lord himself forbade me to speak of this 伏地魔不准我把这件事告诉别人2015-03-13 编辑:max 标签:
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第78期:I ought not to be here
I know I ought not to be here 我知道我不该来这儿 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第77期:Rubbish!
Rubbish. Well, he is only... 别瞎说,他才。。 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第76期:A lot of talk
There's been a lot of talk recently that... 最近有很多风言风语 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第75期:Came around
And it took a few days, but she came around 过了几天她才消停 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第74期:Being barmy
Anyway, Dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy 幸好我老爸发话,让他别犯神经 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第73期:Something bad's happening
Even my parents, and they're Muggles, know something bad's happening. 我爸妈就是麻瓜也知道要出事了 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第72期:It's too dangerous
That it's too dangerous. 据说那里太危险了 -
《哈利波特与混血王子》配音练听力 第71期:Sort of lost it
Mum sort of lost it last week 上周我妈有点抓狂
Wait. Come here.Is there anything I -
也能原谅你们对我的侮辱。但我不能原谅的是--对我彻底的不信任![ - 3
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