至少不要自己去At least, not by myself. 你要我陪你去? You want me to go with you? 好主意 好啊 Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! 而且我还自备交通... And you know what? I’ve got transport... 我得记住玻2011-06-07 编辑:Amy 标签:
我找到了 查理 And I did, Charlie. 就是你 You. 所以你才发出那些金奖卷 That’s why you sent out the golden tickets. 奥柏伦柏人是什么? What are Oompa-Loompas? 我邀请五个小朋友来参观工厂... I invited fiv2011-06-03 编辑:Amy 标签:
亲爱的孩子 这表示你赢了 Oh, my dear boy, but that means you’ve won. 恭喜你 我衷心祝贺你 Oh, I do congratulate you. I really do. 我太高兴了 I’m absolutely delighted. 我早有预感了 干得好 I had a hunc2011-06-02 编辑:Amy 标签:
当然可以Of course I could.人类呢? What about people? 我传送人类干嘛? 反正又不好吃 Well, why would I wanna send a person? They don’t taste very good at all. 你不知道你发明了什么吗? 这是传送器耶 Don’2011-06-01 编辑:Amy 标签:
(万国旗展览场) 我要选一个房间 I wanna pick a room. 请便 Go ahead. (电视间) 拿着 Here. 赶快戴上 无论如何都别摘下来 Put these on quick, and don’t take them off whatever you do. 这光线会烧得你眼珠子突出2011-05-31 编辑:Amy 标签:
我不要普通的松鼠 我要受过训练的松鼠 But I don’t want any old squirrel, I want a trained squirrel. 好吧 Very well. 旺卡先生 一只松鼠多少钱? Mr. Wonka, how much do you want for one of these squirrels?2011-05-27 编辑:Amy 标签:
旺卡先生! Mr. Wonka! 把博雷加德小姐滚到船上... I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat... 马上带她去榨汁间 and take her along to the Juicing Room at once, okay? 榨汁间? 他们会怎么处理她? Ju2011-05-26 编辑:Amy 标签:
你今天好吗? How are you today? 你看起来好极了You look great. 你们看这个 Watch this. 就这样吗? You mean that’s it? 你知不知道那是什么? Do you even know what "it" is? 那是口香糖 It’s gum. 答对了Yea2011-05-25 编辑:Amy 标签:
说不定我不会过敏 Maybe I’m not allergic. 让我吃一小块看看 I could try a piece. 真的吗? Really? 何必冒这个险呢? But why take a chance? 旺卡先生? Mr. Wonka? Mr. Wonka? 旺卡先生 我们要过隧道了 We’re h2011-05-24 编辑:Amy 标签:
有什么好笑的? What’s so funny? 应该是吃了太多可可豆吧 I think it’s from all those doggone cocoa beans. 对了 你们知不知道 巧克力有一种成份... Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contai2011-05-23 编辑:Amy 标签:
你们看 奥柏伦柏人 Look. The Oompa-Loompas. 他们在干嘛? What are they doing? 他们应该是想唱歌给我们听 这是很特别的场合 They’re going to treat us to a little song. It is quite a special occasion. 他们2011-05-20 编辑:Amy 标签:
爸爸 看那边 Daddy, look over there. 那是什么? What is it? 是一个小矮人 It’s a little person. 在那里 瀑布旁边 Over there, by the waterfall. 有两个耶 There’s two of them. 不只两个There’s more than t2011-05-19 编辑:Amy 标签:
想不想吃巧克力? -好啊Would you like some chocolate? -Sure. 那你要自己带啊 Then you should’ve brought some. 我们当好朋友吧 -最好的朋友Let’s be friends. -Best friends. 这个房间很重要 An important roo2011-05-18 编辑:Amy 标签:
亲爱的贵宾... Dear visitors... 很荣幸各位来参观我的小工厂it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory. 我是谁呢? And who am I? 这个嘛... Well... 威利·旺卡 威利·旺卡 Willy Wonka, Will2011-05-17 编辑:Amy 标签:
妈! 爸! Mom! Dad! 我找到了! I found it! 最后一张金奖券! 是我的! The last golden ticket! It’s mine! 拿去 Here. 大声念出来 看看上面写什么 Read it aloud. Let’s hear exactly what it says. 欢迎你 找到金2011-05-16 编辑:Amy 标签: