【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1 all right,everyboy. I want all teams in place, fully prepared, ready to seal the doors here and here.2 make certain the digging c -
电影模仿秀:Peter Parker(Spider-man)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. I missed him a lot today.2. I can’t help thinking about the last thing I said to him.3. He tried to tell me something important -
电影模仿秀:Freddy(Beethoven's 5th)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. Oh, what happen to you? Last time I saw you, you were a toddler.2. Hey, I was sorry I’m late . I was working on this baby and I2006-06-01 编辑:alex 标签: 小说
电影模仿秀:Sasa(Beethoven's 5th)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. Nowhere, Sure hopes they have indoor plumbing. 2. I know I know, we are a long way from home, and we’ve got a long month ahead -
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. I’m planning undoing the whole world this way.2. Maybe you can fool these people but I know who you are.3. You’re a selfish a -
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. Or maybe he’s chasing a ghost.2. He and his buddies were camping by the lake when they came right at them.3. They left so fast, -
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. Aminity Island has long been known for its clean air, clear water…and beautiful sand beaches. 2. But in recent days, a cloud ha -
电影模仿秀:Matt Hooper(Jaws)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. No, it’s a closed-circuit TV system Underwater cameras fore and aft.2. Well, I paid for this mostly myself, actually.3.That ma2006-06-01 编辑:alex 标签: 每日课堂
电影模仿秀:Brody (Jaws)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. Polly, listen to me, we’re got some roadblock signs outside. 2. You gotta get somebody to help us.3. Get those roadblock signs -
电影模仿秀:Mr.Buznik(Anger Management)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. You don’t remember me, do you?2. I sat next to you on the plane.3.They actually sentenced me to anger management for that. -
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. I don’t care what they said. You are not demented.2. You’re a picture of mental health.3. Some people go through life never qu -
电影模仿秀:Dr.Rydell (Anger Management)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. Let’s be perfectly clear about this.2. You’ve been deemed a threat to society.3.I believe that radical round –the- clock the -
电影模仿秀:Kamajii(Sprited Away)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. Hey, you runs .You wanna turn back into soot?2. And you, back off, you can’t just someone’s job.3.If they don’t work, the sp2006-06-01 编辑:alex 标签: 口笔译
电影模仿秀:Mowgli(Jungle Book)
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. No. We can’t let anyone find us, especially that girl.2. Come on, Baloo. We gotta get moving.3.Lay low, hunker sown—hibernate2006-06-01 编辑:alex 标签: 每日课堂
【学习提示】第一步:先听,理解句子;第二步:看原文模仿!【原声模仿】1. Guess’ cause when you’re a ghost, life doesn’t matter that much anymore.2. If I were alive, would you go to the Halloween dan
每日一句口语 第1305期:人们选择离开不是
Sometimes people choose to leave not -
每日一句口语 第1306期:生活,与其等待暴
Life isn't about waiting for the - 3
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