诗歌欣赏姑娘,当你读到这朴素的诗行, 你当尽享你的青春,因为它不会停留;你要尽享你美丽年华的芬芳,噢!因为人生不可能总是阳光明媚! It Is Not Always May by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowThe sun is bright,2009-12-16 编辑:sunny 标签:
诗歌欣赏She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways by William WadsworthShe dwelt among the untrodden waysBeside the springs of Dove,A Maid whom there were none to praiseAnd very few to love; A violet by a2009-12-08 编辑:sunny 标签:
诗歌欣赏尽管露水笼罩得田野灰白暗淡,到中午一切又将喜气盎然,苏醒的毛茛花是孩子们的“嫁妆”,这华而俗的甜瓜花哪儿比得上它灿烂明亮! Home Thoughts From Abroad by Robert BrowningOh, to be in England no2009-12-07 编辑:sunny 标签:
诗歌欣赏骄傲的梅西漫步林间,踩着晨曦;伶俐的知更鸟栖息树丛,唱得甜蜜。The Pride of Youth by Walter ScottProud Maisie is in the wood,Walking so early;Sweet Robin sits on the bush,Singing so rarely."2009-12-04 编辑:sunny 标签:
有声诗歌欣赏: 生活和歌唱
诗歌欣赏It Is Not Always May 人生不总是阳光明媚 by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowThe sun is bright, - the air is clear,The darting swallows soar and sing.And from the stately elms I hearThe bluebird pr2009-12-03 编辑:sunny 标签:
诗歌欣赏Love is More Thicker than Forget by E. E. CummingsLove is more thicker than forgetMore thinner than recallMore seldom than a wave is wetMore frequent than to fail It is most mad and moonlyA2009-12-02 编辑:sunny 标签:
有声诗歌欣赏:Poetry 诗意
诗歌欣赏PoetryAnd it was at that age Poetry arrived in search of me I don’t know, I don’t know Where it came fromFrom winter or a river? I don’t know how or when No, they were not voices They wer2009-12-01 编辑:sunny 标签:
诗歌欣赏爱情比忘却厚/比回忆薄/比潮湿的波浪少/比失败多 Love is More Thicker than Forget by E. E. CummingsLove is more thicker than forgetMore thinner than recallMore seldom than a wave is wetMore f2009-12-01 编辑:sunny 标签:
网友诗歌朗诵:To be or not to be&n
诗歌朗诵 Seafarer William Carlos Williams The sea will wash in but the rocks - jagged ribs riding the cloth of foam or a knob or pinnacles with gannets - are the stubborn man. He invites the storm,2009-09-18 编辑:alex 标签:
聆听诗人原声朗诵: 臭鼬的时光
诗歌朗诵 Skunk HourBy Robert Lowell(For Elizabeth Bishop)Nautilus Island's hermitheiress still lives through winter in her Spartan cottage;her sheep still graze above the sea.Her son's a bis...2009-09-16 编辑:sunny 标签:
聆听诗人原声朗诵: 摘苹果之后(罗伯特·弗罗斯特)
诗歌朗诵 After Apple-PickingRobert Frost (1874-1963)My long two-pointed ladder’s sticking through a treeToward heaven still,And there’s a barrel that I didn’t fillBeside it, and there may be two2009-09-15 编辑:sunny 标签:
网友诗歌朗诵:I Wandered Lonely as a&nb
诗歌朗诵 Seafarer William Carlos Williams The sea will wash in but the rocks - jagged ribs riding the cloth of foam or a knob or pinnacles with gannets - are the stubborn man. He invites the storm,2009-09-14 编辑:alex 标签:
聆听诗人原声朗诵: 未选择的路
诗歌朗诵 The Road Not Taken(Robert Frost) Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could2009-09-14 编辑:sunny 标签:
诗歌朗诵 Seafarer William Carlos Williams The sea will wash in but the rocks - jagged ribs riding the cloth of foam or a knob or pinnacles with gannets - are the stubborn man. He invites the storm,2009-09-11 编辑:sunny 标签:
聆听诗人原声朗诵:Eighth Air Force
Eighth Air Force (by Randall Jarrell)If, in an odd angle of the hutment,A puppy laps the water from a canOf flowers, and the drunk sergeant shavingWhistles O Paradiso!——shall I say that manIs n2009-09-10 编辑:sunny 标签:
经济学人:女孩成长 一场艰险的旅行(上)
南希在《美国女孩》一书(一本体系庞大研究彻底的书)中写道,对于很多女孩来 -
经济学人:一周要闻 辉瑞世纪大并购愿望恐落空
Orange(前法国电信)收购布依格电信(Bouygues)的计划无疾而 - 3
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