听力万花筒 第436期:印度的互联网经济发展喜人
Online retail grew 88% in India last year and shows no sign of stopping. CNN's Sumnima Udas reports. -
听力万花筒 第435期:飓风“冈萨洛”袭击英国
Flights and train services are expected to be disrupted as the destructive weather system arrives with gales and heavy rain. -
听力万花筒 第434期:微软CEO告诫女性别求加薪 称将带来“好报”
Satya Nadella inflames equal-pay debate after telling a conference of women to not ask for a raise. -
听力万花筒 第433期:英国派遣750名军人及“百眼巨人号”赴塞拉利昂 协助抗击埃博拉
致命的埃博拉病毒持续发威,全球公共卫生拉警报,英国法尔茅斯,装备有全套医院设备的医疗船百眼巨人号(RFA Argus)及750名军事人员,启程驶往非洲塞拉利昂,帮助当地抗击严重的埃博拉疫情。 -
听力万花筒 第432期:市场低迷 奢侈品路在何方
A luxury brand analyst predicts Asia will remain an engine for growth for many luxury brands. -
听力万花筒 第431期:英国公布向苏格兰放权时间表 明年初拟就法律草案
MPs in Westminster will discuss which extra powers should go to Holyrood and whether Scottish MPs can vote on laws in England. -
听力万花筒 第430期:“水果姐”凯蒂·佩里向NFL球星表白遭拒
Pop singer shows up on "College GameDay" and declares her love for quarterback Trevor Knight. -
听力万花筒 第429期:道琼斯指数暴跌300多点
Dow slides over growth fears, IMF warns global economy slowing down. CNN's Cristina Alesci reports. -
听力万花筒 第428期:英国政府加强对精神疾病患者的关注
Speaking at the Lib Dem conference in Glasgow, Nick Clegg is expected to say mental health patients are discriminated against. -
听力万花筒 第427期:克林顿和希拉里荣升外公外婆
Former president and first lady's daughter gives birth to a girl. -
听力万花筒 第426期:研究称女性腰围太粗将增加患乳癌风险
A new study found that a woman's waist size may be tied to her chances of developing breast cancer after menopause. -
听力万花筒 第425期:特斯拉新车推无人驾驶技术
Tesla CEO Elon Musk teased on Twitter that it's time to unveil the "D and something else." Even though it's not yet clear what Musk means, Wall Street is very excited. -
听力万花筒 第424期:简·方达谈亲情喜剧《守丧七日晴》
The legendary actress leads a star-studded cast playing a newly widowed mother. -
听力万花筒 第423期:日本火山爆发 30余名登山客遇难
9月27日,日本中部地区的御岳山发生火山喷发。火山灰沿着山体向下蔓延大约3公里、向上升至大约1000米。 -
听力万花筒 第422期:通用电气道琼斯指数走低
GE is the worst stock in the Dow this year. One analyst said investors have 'thrown in the towel' on GE and that the company needs a drastic shakeup to return to its glory days.
经济学人:英伦生活质量 被挤压成沙漏型的劳务
8月2日,马格德莱娜和她的情人玛瑞斯因涉嫌谋杀自己的4岁儿子丹尼尔,被判 -
经济学人:有组织犯罪 和抢劫说再见
报道火车大劫案的警官传递出令人震惊的消息:你绝对不会相信,但他们刚刚抢劫 - 3
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