Black swans in 2022 call for stability
2022年黑天鹅有点密集,稳住自己是当务之急 小象漫评
With half of 2022 already passed, black swans are haunting the world.
2022年已经过半 却有几只黑天鹅搅扰各国政坛
Despite former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe being shot, certain politicians continue on his path of amending its pacifist Constitution.
最近的有日本前首相安倍晋三遇刺 日本却有政客 试图继续沿着他的想法修宪
Boris Johnson was forced to resign as UK PM, and the country faces more uncertainties.
英国首相鲍里斯黯然下台 但英国前景依然不确定
The US supreme court loosened gun controls and ended women’s abortion right,
美国联邦最高法院连出两判 先给枪支进一步松绑 又不再保护妇女堕胎权
which humiliated US as the self-claimed champion of “human rights”.
以一种特殊的方式 狠狠地羞辱了美国自称的人权
The military conflict in Ukraine continues. With the West adding more sanctions on Russia,
俄罗斯乌克兰持续大战 西方一边对俄加强制裁秀肌肉
and their arms dealers selling more weapons to pour oil on the flames.
一边大卖特卖武器 给局势火上浇油
At the beginning of 2022, who would have expected it to be so turbulent today?
回顾初踏入2022年之时 谁能想到这世界如此真实 我们面对它又如此无奈?
In the face of all the chaos, what we need to is continue on our development path, so as to gain more capabilities and stay firm.
面对世界乱象频仍 我们更需要发展好自己 有了更强的实力 才有更大的底气与定力