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新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List31:Unit2

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
【考法 1】 n. 假设,前提条件: something taken as being true or factual and used as a starting point for a course of action or reasoning
【例】 He believes that predictions of the extinction of certain species as the result of global warming are based upon too many hypotheticals. 他认为所谓全球变暖会导致某些物种灭绝的说法基于过多的假设。
【近】 assumption, given, postulate, premise, presumption, presupposition, supposition
【反】 conclusion, consequence, deduction, induction, inference 结论
【考法 2】 adj. 假定的: existing only as an assumption or speculation
【例】 We talked about what we would do in various hypothetical emergencies. 我们讨论了在假定的各种紧急情况下的对策。
【近】 conjectural, speculative, supposed, suppositional
【反】 actual, factual, real 事实的
【考法 1】 n. 免责,免受处罚: exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss
【例】 She mistakenly believed that she could insult people with impunity. 她错误地认为她可以肆无忌惮地羞辱他人。
【近】 exemption, immunity
【反】 liability 责任
【考法 1】 n. 刺激,诱因: something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action
【例】 The handsome reward for the missing wallet was an incentive for me to start looking. 找到丢失钱包的可观报酬激励我展开搜寻。‖A little bonus will give employees an incentive to work harder. 一点点奖金就可以刺激雇员更加努力地工作。
【近】 boost, goad, impetus, incitement, instigation, momentum, motivation, motive, provocation, spur, stimulant, stimulus, yeast
【反】 deterrent, disincentive 抑制剂,阻碍物
justify .
【考法 1】 vt. 证明…的合理性,辩解: to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable
【例】 failed to justify the need for a new expressway at this time 没能证明修建新的高速公路的合理性‖The storm warning justified his leaving early. 他的早退因为风暴预警而显得理所当然。
【近】 excuse, rationalize, warrant
【派】 justification n. (正当的)理由
license .
【考法 1】 n. 许可,认可: the approval by someone in authority for the doing of something
【例】 The company is seeking license to operate several more power plants in the state. 公司正在寻求在国内建造更多电厂的许可。‖A restaurant owner has to get a license to serve food and drink. 餐厅营业者必须要获得食物和饮品的销售许可。
【近】 allowance, authorization, clearance, concurrence, consent, empowerment, granting, sanction, warrant
【反】 interdiction, prohibition, proscription 禁止
【考法 2】 n. 自由: the right to act or move freely
【例】 Military commanders on the ground must be granted considerable license, as wars cannot be micromanaged by people back in Washington. 战地指挥官应该被赋予相当大的自由,因为一场战争只靠华盛顿的人是不可能打赢的。
【近】 freedom, latitude, liberty
【反】 confinement, custody, imprisonment 拘留,囚禁
【考法 3】 n. 放荡: disregard for standards of personal conduct
【例】 a night of drinking and license at the nightclub 夜店里放纵饮酒取乐的一夜
【近】 debauchery, hedonism, libertinage, libertinism, licentiousness, profligacy, voluptuousness
【反】 abstinence, asceticism, sobriety, temperance 节制,克制
【考法 4】 vt. 准许,授权使用: to permit or authorize especially by formal license
【例】 A state statute licenses county sheriffs to choose their own deputies. 法律允许郡上的司法长官选择自己的副手。‖licensed to use deadly force 获准使用致命火力
【近】 accredit, certify, commission, empower, enable, invest, qualify, vest, warrant
【反】 disqualify 取消资格; forbid, interdict, prohibit, proscribe, veto 禁止
【考法 1】 adj. 荒唐的,可笑的: meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish
【例】 He made a ludicrous and easily detected attempt to forge his father's signature on a note to school. 他试图在要上交学校的纸条上伪造父亲的签名,这实在是既可笑又容易被发现的花招。
【近】 absurd, comical, derisive, derisory, farcical, laughable, ridiculous, pathetic, preposterous, risible, silly
【反】 logical, rational, reasonable, sensible 有道理的
luminous .
【考法 1】 adj. 发光的,有光泽的: emitting or reflecting usually steady, suffused, or glowing light
【例】 The luminous moon bathed the snow-covered fields with a pearly glow. 在明亮的月光下,雪地仿佛被罩上了一层珍珠般的光晕。
【近】 beaming, bright, candescent, dazzling, effulgent, glowing, incandescent, lambent, lucent, lucid, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, shiny, splendid
【反】 dim, dull, lackluster 黯淡无光的
【考法 2】 adj. 杰出的,重要的: standing above others in rank, importance, or achievement
【例】 some of the most luminous writers in the nation's history 该国历史上最杰出的一批作家
【近】 astral, brilliant, distinguished, illustrious, notable, noteworthy, preeminent, prestigious, redoubtable, signal
【反】 average, inferior, mediocre 一般的,中庸的
【派】 luminosity n. 发光;亮度
【考法 1】 adj. 恶意的,恶毒的: having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred
【例】 The novel grossly oversimplified the conflict as a struggle between relentlessly malevolent villains on one
side and faultless saints on the other. 小说把这场斗争彻底简化成凶残恶毒的坏人和完美无暇的圣人间的纠纷。
【近】 cruel, despiteful, evil, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, virulent
【反】 benevolent, benign, benignant 善意的,和善的
【派】 malevolence n. 恶意,恶毒
【考法 1】 vt. 思索,沉思: to focus one's thoughts on
【例】 meditated a visit to her professor 思索着去拜访她的导师‖I have been meditating a career change for months. 我花了几个月的时间在考虑换一个工作。
【近】 cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, mull, perpend, ponder, ruminate, study, weigh, wrestle
【反】 disregard, ignore, overlook, slight 忽视
【派】 meditation n. 沉思
【考法 1】 adj. 艳俗的,俗气的: attracting attention in a vulgar manner
【例】 The paradise they found was no more than a meretricious wasteland of casinos and bars. 他们所发现的所谓"天堂"只不过是一块有着赌场和酒吧的俗气不堪的荒漠罢了。
【近】 flamboyant, flaring, flashy, garish, gaudy, glaring, loud, ostentatious, tawdry
【反】 conservative, quiet, understated, unflamboyant 低调的,不张扬的
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global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

authority [ə'θɔ:riti]


n. 权力,权威,职权,官方,当局

inferior [in'fiəriə]


adj. 次等的,较低的,不如的

signal ['signl]


n. 信号,标志
v. (发信号)通知、表示<

liability [.laiə'biliti]


n. 责任,可能性,债务,不利因素,倾向

flamboyant [flæm'bɔiənt]


adj. 艳丽的,炫耀的,火焰式的 n. 凤凰木

consequence ['kɔnsikwəns]


n. 结果,后果



n. 无光泽;暗淡 adj. 无光泽的;平凡的

sanction ['sæŋkʃən]


n. 批准,处罚,约束力
vt. 批准,支持

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的





