Tip: 2015年11月14日,11月19日和21日考生重点复习每种类型,排名1-5的话题,祝福好运。
1. The first part is on familiar topic such as your work or study experience, your home culture and your interests or hobbies
2. This is followed by a part where you are asked to talk on a particular topic for one or two minutes to prepare. At the end of your one or two minutes, the examiner may ask you one or two questions before moving on the third part of the test.
3. The final part is an extension of the part 2 topic to a more abstract discussion of related issues.
You are evaluated on your spoken language to communicate fluently,clearly and accurately by using appropriate grammar and accurate vocabulary.
1. Fluency(流畅程度)
2. Vocabulary(应用词汇)
3. Grammar(应用句法)
4. Pronunciation(口语发音)
1. Good morning/ Good afternoon. Come in and take a seat.
2. Can you tell me your full name, please? What shall I call you?
3. Can I see your identification please? Can you tell me where you are from?
4. Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.
5. Let’s talk about ……
6. I’d like to move on now to talk about ……
7. Let’s move on to the topic of ……
8. Let’s move on to the topic of ……
1. Now I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you’ll have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.
2. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?
3. Here’s some paper and a pencil, for making notes, and here’s your topic. .
4. All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you.
5. I’ll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?
We’ve been talking about …… and I’d like to discuss one or two more general questions related to this.
1. Describe a movie you want to at home or theater = Describe a film you want to watch again. 喜爱电影 / 重温电影
【解析】 喜爱电影重点谈及爱之理由:动人情节、个性主角、文化底蕴、拓宽视野、自我反思、放松身心、感同身受、启迪智慧、陶冶情操、愉悦身心。
2. Describe an impressive song = Describe a song / a piece of music that you like印象歌曲 / 喜爱音乐
【解析】 一首歌曲对人的吸引程度在于其特定的场景和听者彼刻的心情,其歌词、歌者、旋律、MV 都可成为动我心弦之契机。亮点在于谈及为何引我共鸣,触我遐想,增我智慧等。印象歌曲为《一起吃苦的幸福》、《阳光总在风雨后》、《从头再来》……
3. Describe an educational TV program you have watched 教育节目
1. Describe an exciting sport = Describe a kind of sports you like 刺激运动 / 喜爱运动
2. Describe an activity that can help you keep fit. 健康运动
3. Describe an article about healthy living that you read in a magazine or on the Internet. 健康人生
4. Describe an indoor game = Describe an indoor game you played when you were a child室内运动
5. Describe a long walk 长途跋涉
1. Describe a garden or park you like. 喜爱花园
2. Describe a good place to relax 放松之地
3. Describe a place near water. 近水之地
4. Describe a street you like. 喜爱街道
5. Describe a house or apartment you would like to live 理想之家
1. Describe a person who often travel by airplane 空中飞人
2. Describe a person who’s good at speaking a foreign language. 外语达人
3. Describe a famous person you knew from news = Describe a person whose job is important to society. 社会精英 / 新闻名人
【解析】 谈及任何心仪之文体明星,企业精英,社会名流,谈及其对我之影响。
4. Describe a person who dresses well 时尚达人
1. Describe a gift for someone that took you a longtime to choose 精选礼物
2. Describe a small successful company 成功企业
3. Describe a new skill you want to learn 新学技能
【解析】 因人而异,个性答语,谈及契机,谈及过程,谈及利好。会谈及学习马术。
4. Describe a picture or photograph in your family 家庭照片
5. Describe a craftwork you did at school 手工制品
【解析】 离别在即,亲制中国结,费时费力,以赠密友,聊表心意。
6. Describe a café or restaurant that impresses you. 印象咖啡/ 印象饭店
7. Describe an advertisement that helped you buy something. 购物广告
【解析】 《你好色彩》