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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"What is it, cousins?" said Peter.“各位,这是什么啊?”彼得问。
"A Calormene, Sire," said several Dogs at once.“一个卡乐门人,陛下。”几条狗儿同时说道。
"Lead on to him, then," said Peter. "Whether he meets us in peace or war, he shall be welcome."“那就带领大家去找他吧,”彼得道,“不论他用和平还是用战争来迎接我们,都应该受到我们的欢迎。”
The Dogs darted on ahead and came back a moment later, running as if their lives depended on it, and barking loudly to say that it really was a Calormene. (Talking Dogs, just like the common ones, behave as if they thought whatever they are doing at the moment immensely important.)狗儿们蹿在前头,不一会儿就回来了,它们拼命奔跑,大声嚷嚷着说这人确实是个卡乐门士兵。(会说人话的狗儿,就跟普通的狗儿一样,表现得仿佛认为它们此时此刻正干着的事,不论它是什么事,总是非常重要的。
The others followed where the Dogs led them and found a young Calormene sitting under a chestnut tree beside a clear stream of water. It was Emeth. He rose at once and bowed gravely.其他的人跟着领路的狗儿走去,发现有个年轻的卡乐门士兵坐在一条清溪旁的一棵栗树下。这士兵是伊梅思。他立刻站起来,庄严地鞠躬。
"Sir," he said to Peter, "I know not whether you are my friend or my foe, but I should count it my honour to have you for either. Has not one of the poets said that a noble friend is the best gift and a noble enemy the next best?"“先生,”他对彼得说道,“我不知道你究竟是我的朋友还是敌人;但我对两者都引以为荣。不是有个诗人说过吗:一个崇高的朋友是最佳的礼物,而一个崇高的敌人是次佳的礼物。”
"Sir," said Peter, "I do not know that there need be any war between you and us."“先生,”彼得说,“我不知道你和我之间还需要有什么战争。”
"Do tell us who you are and what's happened to you," said Jill.“请告诉我们,你是什么人,你的遭遇又如何?”吉尔说。
"If there's going to be a story, let's all have a drink and sit down," barked the Dogs. "We're quite blown."“如果说来话长,那就让我们大家先喝口水,然后坐下来详谈,”狗儿们吠叫道,“我们直喘气哩。”
"Well of course you will be if you keep tearing about the way you have done," said Eustace.“你们当然要喘气啦,如果你们老是像刚才那样到处乱跑的话。”尤斯塔斯说道。
So the humans sat down on the grass. And when the Dogs had all had a very noisy drink out of the stream they all sat down, bolt upright, panting, with their tongues hanging out of their heads a little on one side to hear the story. But Jewel remained standing, polishing his horn against his side.于是人们都在草地上坐下了。狗儿们吵吵闹闹在溪水里喝了个痛快,也都坐下听故事,它们坐得笔直,喘着气,舌头伸出在嘴巴外面,稍稍偏往一边。但珍宝仍旧站着,在它的两胁上把它的独角磨得锃亮。

"What is it, cousins?" said Peter.

"A Calormene, Sire," said several Dogs at once.

"Lead on to him, then," said Peter. "Whether he meets us in peace or war, he shall be welcome."

The Dogs darted on ahead and came back a moment later, running as if their lives depended on it, and barking loudly to say that it really was a Calormene. (Talking Dogs, just like the common ones, behave as if they thought whatever they are doing at the moment immensely important.)

The others followed where the Dogs led them and found a young Calormene sitting under a chestnut tree beside a clear stream of water. It was Emeth. He rose at once and bowed gravely.

"Sir," he said to Peter, "I know not whether you are my friend or my foe, but I should count it my honour to have you for either. Has not one of the poets said that a noble friend is the best gift and a noble enemy the next best?"

"Sir," said Peter, "I do not know that there need be any war between you and us."

"Do tell us who you are and what's happened to you," said Jill.

"If there's going to be a story, let's all have a drink and sit down," barked the Dogs. "We're quite blown."

"Well of course you will be if you keep tearing about the way you have done," said Eustace.

So the humans sat down on the grass. And when the Dogs had all had a very noisy drink out of the stream they all sat down, bolt upright, panting, with their tongues hanging out of their heads a little on one side to hear the story. But Jewel remained standing, polishing his horn against his side.












重点单词   查看全部解释    
stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,



adv. 严肃地;严峻地;沉重地;严重地

upright ['ʌp'rait]


adj. 正直的,诚实的,合乎正道的

bolt [bəult]


n. 螺栓,插销,门闩
v. 闩住,插销,(突

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉





